
Montreal Stencil prints and fabricates control panels in plastic, aluminum and stainless steel. Custom rigid control panels can be made with printed graphics and any size and shape of holes to accommodate the gauges, dials, knobs, and switches typical for controlling your equipment. Our in-house fabrication department will machine your control plates to the highest of tolerances. We work with your CAD drawings to program our CNC and routing equipment.

We offer solutions for both interior and exterior applications. We can produce panels in Lamicoid engravable plastic with thicknesses of .032”, .062” and 0.125”. In aluminum and stainless steel, we can make panels from 0.020” to 0.125” thick.

Montreal Stencil specializes in subsurface printing of anodized aluminum panels. The impression is captured in the anodic layer of the aluminum. It is scratch proof and can be cleaned with any type of solvent without removing the graphic.

Our Metalphoto nameplates use a photographic process of printing a black image in anodized aluminum. This photographic process allows the image to be guaranteed not to fade in outdoor applications for the lifetime of the nameplate.

Permanent process anodized aluminum nameplates are printed subsurface using spot color inks. Ideally suited for indoor applications. Colors can be applied selectively to give visibility to important text in nameplates or to provide a more aesthetic look to the nameplate by adding color to logos or the background.

Metalphoto anodized nameplates meet many military specifications including: GG-P-455b, MIL-P-15024D, MIL-P19834B, MIL-P-514D as well as Underwriter’s Laboratories file #MH17767 and Canadian Standards Association (CSA) file #11133-1, Class #7921.

Permanent Process anodized aluminum plates can be fabricated based on your design using our specialty machining equipment.

Stainless steel panels respond to some of the strictest engineering requirements. Generally, these panels will be produced using an acid etching process for the graphic image.